Course curriculum

    1. Vitaj na kurze

    1. Prezentácia

    2. 1. večer - Uvod + šťastie a sny

    1. 2. Základné informácie ohľadom cieľov

About this course

  • €150,00
  • 4 lekcie
  • 2 hod videoobsahu

Text & media

The other sections are styled to help you create beautiful, high-converting pages. If you already know exactly what you want, use this section to add text, images, video, audio, etc. and build something completely custom. This is your sandbox — create what you want!

Image & text (with CTA)

Use this area to describe the image or provide supporting information.

Text (with CTA)

Include supporting information here.

Use this section to explain to potential students the value of your offering. Great copy shows your audience how their life might look after working with you. Start by identifying the problem you're solving. Next, present how their life will be different with the solution you’re providing. Finally, explain why you’re uniquely positioned to provide this solution.